The Ionian Mode Back to Modes
The Ionian mode is the same as the major scale - a very familiar sound that we all recognise. Its scale degrees are R (root) 2nd maj3 4th 5th maj6 maj7 - we will label them here as R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. This will be our default position and for the purposes of these lessons all the other modes will be labelled in relation to this.
The Ionian mode has a light and easy sounding mood. It is often used for gentle ballads such as Clapton’s Tears in Heaven, Older Chests by Damien Rice. It can also sound jubilant and hopeful; Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson, Alway with me Always with You - Joe Satriani.
Using the key of A Ionian (A B C# D E F# G#), we will now link this mode to how we play the 5 positions of the A major pentatonic scale (A B C# E F#).
The notes of the major pentatonic scale exist inside the Ionian Mode and it can be helpful to see this clearly so firstly learn to play the 5 pentatonic shapes below. The ‘A’ root notes are black and other scale degrees are red with the scale degree number inside them. Fret numbers are indicated to the left of each diagram so these scales cover the root note from the 5th all the way to the 17th fret. Next, ‘pin’ the Ionian scale patterns onto the pentatonic ones and practice them one by one.